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5 Team Building Activities Government Employees Will Appreciate

Team building activities have played a key role in company culture. In today’s extremely competitive landscape, teamwork within the organization is one of the essential requirements for a business to thrive.


When all employees work hand in hand towards a common goal, we can say that an organization is moving in the right direction. 


That’s why team-building activities play a crucial role in the process. You can organize various team-building activities to bring your team closer, enhance collaboration, and boost their trust and confidence in one another. 


Most of these activities will also teach employees skills they can use in their professional and personal lives. 


Here are the best team-building activities that work for government employees: 


1. 15 Station Mango Rope Course


You can take your team to an outing wherein you’ll challenge them physically and mentally in a ropes course. The key to rope courses is encouragement. Everyone in the team needs to remain positive while encouraging other team members to overcome obstacles. 


At Quest, teams get to try the 15- element low rope course that will test their endurance and coordination. This challenge also offers plenty of opportunities to bond with the rest of the team and create unforgettable memories. 


2. Giant Volleyball Game

Volleyball is a sport that primarily relies on teamwork because the sport is highly dependent on each other to succeed. Therefore, knowing how to work with the rest of the team and knowing the right play to make is critical. 


If there’s any disunity on the part of the players, this can hurt the team as a whole. However, team members can hit the court with much more confidence if they learn to work and play together. 


Another benefit of playing volleyball is that the victory at the end is a victory for everyone in the team because individuals usually can’t dominate this game alone. 


3. The Adventure Tower


Quest Adventure Camp’s adventure tower lets you zipline as you fly across two municipalities (Teresa to Morong.) Participants then need to climb a challenging vertical obstacle course. Then, they can find themselves navigating through doors, windows, cargo nets, and tires. 


The good news is that no one needs prior climbing experience, and everyone can easily start climbing after a quick orientation. 


Additionally, they can do basic and advanced wall climbing or rappel down 12 meters of this challenging wall. There’s also a technical and helipad wall for technical and advanced challenges. Everyone will be encouraged to give their best, and encourage team members to do the same. 


4. Bonfire Activity


Government employees may spend hours browsing orientation manuals through training sessions and seminars. However, the reality is that a large part of employee knowledge is mostly gained through storytelling. 


Hosting a bonfire activity improves a person’s natural storytelling capabilities. It provides players a format and a safe place to share stories- whether trial or error, failure or success, competition or teamwork. 


Furthermore, hosting such activity shows commonalities in employee perception and experience. 


5. 13 Station Gemilina Rope Course


Rope courses engage participants in light to moderate team challenges that will help enhance their team’s performance. Factors like problem-solving, trust, accountability, support, etc., also come into play. 


A 13 Station Gemilina Rope Course is a 13-station low rope course relay that teams must get through. Low rope courses test a person’s physical strength, agility, balance, and flexibility. Participants may also have to control several emotional issues, like the fear of falling, the fear of losing control, or the fear of failure. 


With the proper guidance from expert facilitators and the safety staff, everyone on the team will learn, grow, and bond in a way that isn’t always possible in everyday situations.


Over to You


So there you have it. The following activities we’ve mentioned are all designed to strengthen communication among teams and develop interpersonal relationships. In the same way, these activities also encourage creative thinking and enhance problem-solving skills that could be carried into other aspects of a person’s personal and professional life. 


Working with the right team building organizers and location allows you to reap all the benefits of team building without the stress. You can also use excellent locations and team-building activities for your organization. Good luck!

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